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Having a competitive edge...

By: Kiristan Leftwich, CEO & Virtual Manager of Helpful Agents LLC

Small businesses and nonprofits have a unfair position when competing with larger companies but you can do some fantastic things to level or even increase your competitive edge.

By having the ability to cater to client's specific needs and remember details that larger companies cannot track, they're actual advantages to being small.

Another edge that can boost your customer service experiences will be to have a virtual assistant at your disposal to handle the details while you focus on delivering your product or services. There are many options to increase your productivity, including calendar management, automating reminders to clients, tracking customer birthdays and sending cards or taking the paperwork off of your desk. If you think about your desk time, there are many other tasks that prevent you from maximizing your time and preventing your business from earning those five stars!

Whatever is preventing you from reaching your true potential as a business owner, also prevents you from utilizing your competitive edge as a small business owner. What's sad is most business owners don't realize the impact of trying to do it all. It's all in the details...remembering what clients say, noting upcoming appointments, delivering a quote when promised or giving clients automated reminders are simple ways to get an edge. Or perhaps remembering the last time service was done, or what services were rendered is extremely important in keeping current clients or earning referrals.

"There are so many ways to get a competitive edge with minimal effort or investment without hiring a team or working around the clock."

For a free consultation on how Helpful Agents LLC can help you or get consultation on how to grow your business, please give us a call at (541) 896-4357 or visit us at

Thank you for your time, I hope you learned new tips and I wish you five stars in your future endeavors!!


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